It's been a rough couple weeks in the Epic household. Hubby was out of a job for 2 weeks, I've been training for my new position so have been extra tired, Minion (recently known as Monster) has been teething and when Hubby did get a new job we were out of a babysitter. I'm happy to report all is well! Hubby started his new job today, thanks to Facebook a local Mama with a baby the same age as Minion is going to watch him and tooth #2 made it's debut yesterday so Minion is much less fussy. I am still adjusting to not being the permanent vampire at the shelter but I'm not complaining at all. It's nice to see the sun light every now and then. I couldn't been happier right now (OK I'm sure I could but lets not being picky).
I really was worried for a moment, Hubby was home for 2 weeks which was great for Minion but not so much for the bills. Then, when he finally found a job, we found out our sitter got a promotion of his own and wouldn't be able to watch Minion anymore. It was a scary couple of days, neither of us would even be able to call out if we didn't find someone since we are both in a new position! Luckily the universe had my back and when I posted in some of my Mommy groups on Facebook I received quite a few responses and suggestions. Many of them were for day care centers that we couldn't afford (plus would need a set schedule for which neither of us has right now), most were from Mamas I have never met but only talked to online. I thought we were going to have to go that route (we would meet and check her home out first of course!) but then someone I have met who lives very close to us offered. She seriously saved the day. We are going to her house tomorrow so Hubby can meet her and not feel like a weirdo when he drops off Minion (although that might be funny to witness since Hubby is far from a social butterfly). THANK YOU!!! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can breath again. I think this new set up will work out very well and Minion will get some baby socialization too.
Training week #3 has started for me and I love it, I think my body forgot what physical labor was after 2 years of sitting behind a desk though and it's also pretty confused about the whole day shift thing. I really need to start working out/toning. Yesterday was craziest day, we were so busy and had the strangest calls. It was great. I am looking forward to a set schedule though, being so all over the place is messing with me and it's thrown Minion's sleep patterns off too. I'm sure Hubby being home didn't help that either, nor did the teething. Those little teeth are sharp, thank goodness he has not bit me while nursing yet *knocks on wood*.
The drivers keep asking me how long I'm going to breastfeed for, I guess the fact that I have to pump is kind of a pain. It is a little inconvenient and it's impossible to pump on a schedule but I don't care, I'm going to nurse until Minion is at least a year but maybe longer. As much as I don't want to be solo on the streets it will make pumping easier because I can just park somewhere and cover myself with a blanket and pump, now we have to go back into the building because I'm not doing it with another person in the truck...all but me and one other driver are men. No thanks and I don't think they'd appreciate it either. I know breastfeeding is less common in our country (I still don't know why) but I'm tired of being asked how long I will do it for and then seeing the look on people's face when I say "until one of us doesn't want to anymore". I try to educate them but no one wants to hear it. Oh well. You go home from work and unwind with a drink, I'll nurse my son; we'll all feel better.
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