Minion has had a runny nose for just over 2 weeks now and about a week ago had an on/off fever. The last week or so this has also been accompanied by a diapers rash (his 2nd one!) that just looks painful. Non of this has seemed to bother him and since the sitters baby hasn't been sick (they share binkies, cups and food) I have attributed it all to teething. I've been giving him Hyland's Baby Tiny Cold Tablets for a couple days and running the humidifier while he sleeps. This kid seriously hates having his nose even wipes let alone having the boogies sucked out... it's a battle. Recently it has been suggested that maybe he has allergies. That's completely plausible since I have seasonal allergies myself and they've been bothering me a little but not enough that it crossed my mind. I think I'm going to start giving him a small spoonful of local honey tonight and see if that helps too.
With that said. Hubby has been actually sick for the past few days (sore throat, running nose...) and is miserable. Now don't get me wrong when I'm sick I expect to be waited on hand and foot and I know I'm not at all pleasant to be around but it just amuses me that my 15 month old has had almost the same symptoms for 2 weeks now and has been acting like his normal happy self. Nothing at all against Hubby it just goes to show how resilient kids actually are (thank goodness because I don't think I could handle them both being whiny at the same time). So far, I'm doing pretty good and not feeling sick at all. *knocks on wood*
On a completely unrelated note, Hubby found a better paying job! I wish it would have come about 3 months ago so we wouldn't have had to move but hey, I'll take what I can get. That just means we can save more money to buy a house in a couple years. Who knows, maybe we can even replace the Kia with a newer (better) used car. I'm sure Hubby will want brand new but I really don't want to take on a car payment AND full coverage insurance so I think he's going to lose that battle.
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