I first came across Apple cider Vinegar (ACV) when my dog, Alice, developed really bad skin allergies which are common to her breed (American Pit Bull Terrier) and we were at a loss for what to do for her. She was losing fur, she had hives and she would itch herself to the point of bleeding...and that was on a good day. We are regulars at the vets office and originally she was prescribed a steroid to help, at first it did but over the years the dosage has been upped and she has to take it more often and has to take other pills to counter act some of the side effects. Some days, even that doesn't work, especially since it seems to get worse every year. This lead me to research some home remedies that might help her, the most common one I came across was to spray her coat with equal parts Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and water at least once a day, another said to add a tablespoon to her food 2-3 times a week (bonus, not only does this help her skin and coat but it keeps fleas away...this one we give to both dogs). At our next vet trip I mentioned it and Dr. said it definitely couldn't hurt and gave is the OK to try it. ALWAYS TALK TO YOUR VET BEFORE TRYING ANY HOME REMEDIES ON YOUR PETS, THEY COULD HAVE SIDE EFFECTS OR REACT WITH MEDICATIONS! CATS ARE EXTRA SENSITIVE. Within 2 weeks I noticed a HUGE difference, she still had issues but they were noticeably less and Deuce's coat shined up quite a bit too. It's been 3 years and I still use this remedy.
The amazing effects it had on my dogs lead me to look into other uses for ACV. It is antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal and astringent, it contains various minerals and vitamins including Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin C and Vitamin B2 and many others. It has health & beauty benefits for people and has many cleaning remedies. I've tried many but not all; here are just a few examples:
*Helps easy itching due to bug bites, ringworm, eczema & psoriasis (for the first 3 just apply to the affected area often throughout the day, for psoriasis, I soaked in a tub of water and added 2 cups of ACV, it's also restores your skins ph levels)
*Eases indigestion & heartburn (drink 1 tablespoon ACV mixed with a glass of room temperature water)
*Helps cure athletes foot (toe nail fungus (mix equal parts ACV and water, soak feet for 15 minutes 3 times a day)
*Health & beauty tonic (mix 2-3 teaspoons ACV in 8oz glass of water and drink daily)
*Shines and softens hair (use equal parts ACV and water as a final rinse then rinse again with cool water)
*Discourages cats (spray ACV in ares you want cats to stay away from, they hate the smell)
*Non toxic weed killer (spray in leaves and stem of weeds at full strength, works best in spring when they are beginning to grow)
This is just a small list of things ACV can be used for (now do you see what I meant about duct tape?) When using for health and beauty remedies on people or pets, always talk to your doctor and be sure to use NATURAL ACV with the "mother" still in it (it looks gross and cloudy...that's a good thing) you don't want the kind you find in the baking or cooking isle...that stuff is distilled.

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