Saturday, February 9, 2013

Time for a schedule

I have no schedule for myself other then I work 4pm - 12am...the rest is in the air (part of that is due to Minion but not all). I really think I need to set an alarm for myself in the morning and do some exercises or something to get my self going, maybe actually eat breakfast, walk the dogs if it's not to cold outside... I feel like I'm always rushing around because I either sleep when Jacob naps (which is not always necessary but I do it anyway) or just sit around and wait for him to need something afraid that if I start a project he will only interrupt me. I've been feeling a little out of sorts lately and I think this is why. I was in so much better shape when I was pregnant, how sad is that LOL. I ate better, walked for about 20 minutes twice a day, cleaned my house... right up until the day before my water broke. Now of course Minion won't allow me to do all of that and no I didn't expect him to but I definitely slack off WAY more then I need to. I belong to a walking Moms group on Facebook which is awesome because it's exercise and Mommy time all wrapped into one but I want to do more. I will be on vacation in a few weeks I think I'll start making a plan for myself and get into a routine while I'm off. It's not all about being in shape but I do think it will help with a routine, and I would really like to get rid of my baby squishiness. I just need to get up around the same time, spend a little while doing DIY projects like I used to, have Minion's bag packed for the sitter so I'm not looking for his ring toy last minute (all Hell would break loose if he went anywhere without the rings). Routine can be a wonderful thing. I know my dogs would benefit too, they've both gotten a bit heavy since Minion was born, part of that is because Mama won't go out in the cold and part because I don't get up early enough anymore. I feel like I'm blaming my laziness on Minion but it's not all him, I really just don't feel like doing these things most of the time, I'm lucky if I fold the laundry (not that I particularly enjoyed that task before). I'm so much more happy snuggling with him for as long as he will lay still with me or just relaxing on the couch while he plays. Who wants to work full time AND be a house wife? As stated in one of my previous blogs I'd much rather be a SAHM and keep the house tidy but let's not go there again today. I'm curious, if you have a routine everyday, what is it? How did you get back into it after having a baby? If not, how do you keep your self going? I've never been a "just wing it" kind of girl and honestly I don't like it but I know not everyone shares this mentality. Comment or email me with your thoughts, maybe it will help me establish a game plan of my own.

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