Day to day tales of a full time working, semi-crunchy, animal loving first time mom and the loves of her life.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
New Job
I'm going to miss the shelter a lot though, for a lot of reasons. Saving animals lives, seeing something different everyday, police drug busts...I live for this stuff; I need to find myself a new adrenaline rush before I go stir crazy. Most of all I'm going to miss my co-workers. Scratch that, I'm going to miss my friends. I have met some amazing people working at the shelter and some life long friends, it's killing me that I won't get to see them everyday anymore. I'm not even going to be in the same state. I'm not going to get to see all the babies grow up (I started quite a baby boom when I got pregnant with Minion). Sure the place is like high school sometimes but what place isn't? So many people have had my back since I started there and genuinely supported me. Some are a bit over-protective but it's sweet and I think I'll even miss that. I'm always going to worry about my drivers even though I won't be working there anymore. They bust their butts doing what they love and it's usually a thankless job (except of course all the puppy kisses). Lives have been in danger more then once but it never stops anyone. I wish the rest of the world could see a shelter workers life through their eyes, it's hard. What am I going to do without this place?
I keep feeling like a made a mistake but I know this new job will be better for our future. We want to save to buy a house in a few years, I need a new car... These are all things that just won't be possible if I stay at the shelter. On a positive note, I get to go clothes/shoe shopping! This new place is business casual and there is not a lot in my current wardrobe that fits that category. Hubby is working on Sunday(his 1 a month) so Minion and I are going to spend the day upgrading our closets, I know he won't really enjoy it but at least we get to hang out together all day. Maybe I'll find somewhere with a play place for lunch since it's getting to cold for the playground... I know Chick-fil-A will be closed, I hope that doesn't leave only McDonald's. I can't eat there, it hurts my stomach and I'd rather Minion not eat there either.
This should definitely be interesting, I start this coming Monday so wish me luck.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
VTECH InnoTab 3S Giveaway
Welcome to the Vtech's InnoTab Giveaway
This giveaway is brought to you by Empowered Mommy and friends!
Co-hosted by Black Coffe Brown Cow, Nest Full Of New, Powered By Dad, Joys Of Life & Craft Cravings
Vtech's Innotab is a perfect technology gift for own child, niece/nephew or grandchildren! I was in love with this electronic toy ever since I laid eyes on it! Empowered Mommy and friends teamed together to giveaway one of these tabs to one of their reader!
What is Vtech's Innotab?
It is tablet that offers a wealth of fun, age-appropriate learning games for kids, plus new ways to play and learn. Kids and parents can exchange and share their text messages, photos and more over a kid-safe Wi-Fi connection using VTech Kid Connect. Children can browse kid-safe and parent approved websites to find even more learning fun right from the InnoTab 3S.
What does this tablet include?
Learning is even more fun with InnoTab 3S, fun that never stops!
This giveaway is open to US/CAN. Entrants must be 18+ to enter the giveaway.
Giveaway dates: October 17, 2013 to November 17, 2013
Enter via rafflecopter widget below. Allow the widget to fully load and claim as many entries as you can to maximize your chances to win!
Disclosure: Epic Tales of a First Time Mom is not responsible for the shipment of the prize. This giveaway is not at all endorsed or sponsored by Facebook, Twitter and/or Vtech. This is a self sponsored giveaway brought to you by Empowered Mommy and friends. Once the giveaway is over, the winner will be announced via and will be contacted by Empowered Mommy via. For questions, please email Empowered Mommy.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
In Mind 4U "I Love You to the Moon & Back" sign Giveaway
Hosted By: Simply Southern Couponers
Sponsored By: In Mind 4U
In Mind 4 U is a hand painted wood sign shop on etsy founded by Stacy Murphy out of Ohio. She opened her shop on etsy in late 2010. While experimenting and seeing what she was going to sell, she saw her true calling, hand painted vintage style signs. She loves to paint or do anything that allows her to show her creative sign so she loves painting new signs for her shop. She has an amazing support system from her husband and their son. Read Simply Southern Couponers full review here.
Simply Southern Couponers is happy to have been able to partner up with In Mind 4U to give our readers this awesome giveaway! We will be giving away a wooden sign just like this one pictured above to one of our viewers (RV$30). See details below on how to enter!
Event Details:
October 16th - October 30th
Open to US residents who are 18 years of age or older.
To enter complete the entries on the Entry Form below. All winning entries will be verified.
Prize: One lucky viewer will have a chance to win their own "I love you to the moon & back" hand painted wood sign from In Mind 4U.
This would be a beautiful addition to any nursery or home decor.
Disclosure: Epic Tales of a First Time Mom did not receive compensation for promoting this event and is not responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google or any other social network. Nomad Footwear is responsible for prize fulfillment. Please contact Jennifer if you have any questions.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
BabyBjorn ONE carrier Giveaway
The Features:
- The Baby Carrier One is for use with newborns (minimum 8 pounds) to age approximately age three (maximum 33 pounds)
- Four position options. Front carrying in or outward facing. Back carrying in or outward facing.
- Ergonomic design with back distribution and a waist belt for added parental and babe comfort.
- All fabrics safety tested and free from hazardous chemicals.
- Machine washable
- Extra secure
Pit Bull Calendar Giveaway
Hosted by: Queen of Savings
Dog Park Publishing, based out of northern New Jersey, was created for the purpose of showcasing and celebrating the Pit Bull, in particular, as a majestic, affectionate, and intelligent breed that is sorely misunderstood.
They have developed calendars and other products -- with a portion of the proceeds going to Pit Bull rescue groups -- to increase the public's awareness of the good qualities of these wonderful dogs.
3 Winners will receive a Painted Pit Bulls 2014 Calendar that is a full-color 12"x12" wall calendar, perfect for any Pit Bull or dog lover! Enjoy twelve months of beautiful artwork by artist Dean Russo -- each month features a new and exciting print.
3 Winners will receive a For The Love of Pit Bulls 2014 Calendar that is a full-color 12"x12" wall calendar, perfect for any Pit Bull or dog lover! Enjoy twelve months of beautiful Pit Bulls -- each one rescued from difficult circumstances by a reputable rescue group.
Winners and prizes will be chosen at random.
Prize: 3 Painted Pit Bulls 2014 Calendars and 3 For The Love of Pit Bulls 2014 Calendars
Dates: 10/12-10/26
Open to: US Residents18+
Enter to win using the Giveaway Tools Widget below. Good luck!
Disclosure: Epic Tales of a First Time Mom did not receive compensation for this post and is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Just sharing the Pit Bull love.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The Sickness
With that said. Hubby has been actually sick for the past few days (sore throat, running nose...) and is miserable. Now don't get me wrong when I'm sick I expect to be waited on hand and foot and I know I'm not at all pleasant to be around but it just amuses me that my 15 month old has had almost the same symptoms for 2 weeks now and has been acting like his normal happy self. Nothing at all against Hubby it just goes to show how resilient kids actually are (thank goodness because I don't think I could handle them both being whiny at the same time). So far, I'm doing pretty good and not feeling sick at all. *knocks on wood*
On a completely unrelated note, Hubby found a better paying job! I wish it would have come about 3 months ago so we wouldn't have had to move but hey, I'll take what I can get. That just means we can save more money to buy a house in a couple years. Who knows, maybe we can even replace the Kia with a newer (better) used car. I'm sure Hubby will want brand new but I really don't want to take on a car payment AND full coverage insurance so I think he's going to lose that battle.
Target $200 Gift Card Giveaway Opportunity
InnoTab 3S Giveaway Blogger Opportunity
InnoTab 3S Giveaway
This giveaway is hosted by Empowered Mommy and Joys Of Life
FREE blogger opportunity with paid options. OPEN to US/CAN.
Prize: Vtech InnoTab Event Dates: October 15 - November 15 Sign-ups: October 12
Get 1 Free link (Facebook or Twitter) with announcement post. ($5 waiver fee without announcement post) Additional links for $3 each Co-host for $20- Get up-to 3 free additional links and a back-link to your blog on the final giveaway post. Host pages/Comment pages $10 each
The blog who refers the most bloggers will get free co-host spot. (If you paid for co-host and wins referral prize, your payment will be refunded)
Questions? Email me:
Thursday, September 19, 2013
How much stress can one Mama handle?
Floyd (5 year old cat) found a home with friends fairly quick but our other two cats sadly ended up in the shelter where I work and are still waiting to be adopted (if your looking for a cat and are in the Philadelphia area email me It kills me to see them here everyday.
Deuce (12 year old Chow mix) already had some old man problems and in the process of trying to find him a home his back legs started to give out and sometimes he could not get up at all so Hubby and I made the heartbreaking decision to have him humanely euthanized. It was the worst day of my life and I don't think I've ever cried so much, it was about 3 weeks ago and I still cry all the time. I asked one of my managers at work to do it so it was less impersonal, Hubby and I were with him the entire time and he died looking into my eyes with my arms wrapped around him. I'm seriously crying right now as I type this. Deuce and I went through a lot together and he got me through some pretty tough times in my life, I've had him since before I was with Hubby. To make things worse, I didn't realize Hubby had never seem an animal euthanized before, it's hard enough to watch when you know what to expect but he went into it totally blind. I wish I would have known so I could have at least explained the process to him, he said he can never watch that again. I don't blame him. Having Deuce put to sleep was the kindest thing I could do for him and I know he's waiting for me in the after life, probably playing in the snow.
Alice (4 year old American Pit Bull Terrier) is a while other story that still doesn't have an end. My cousin (who is studying to be a veterinarian and is deaf) wanted her with the intention of training her to be a service dog but was in the process of moving to Iowa. Hubby and I were thrilled because being a service dog would mean she can go anywhere and Iowa is cold so it would be great for her allergies (that only flair up in the heat); we just needed a foster home for 1 month until she could get settled in to her new place. Foster home #1: Didn't feel right from the beginning. A family of 4 was looking to foster a dog to show their 2 children how much responsibility it was before making the commitment... I can respect that and thinks it's a pretty good idea, I just didn't realize neither of them ever had a dog before. We drove over an hour to their house and were very honest up front about her medical conditions, her barking and how strong she was and the family was perfectly fine with it until about 2 days later. They emailed my cousin and said she kept having accidents in the house, wasn't eating or taking her meds and barked at everyone and their neighbors did not like a Pit Bull in the area. They didn't want to deal with any adjustment period on Alice's part and just wanted her gone, they did offer to take her to where ever she was going though. Foster #2: Another family member, loves dogs. Seemed like the perfect solution until their resident dog tried to attack Alice not even 30 minutes after she arrived. They brought her to our house as we were literally in the process of moving out on our last day there. Our landlord was nice enough to let us keep her there for 2 nights (Hubby stayed there with her) after which she went to Foster #3. Hubby's manager: A bachelor with dog experience living in Philly, when I dropped her off he told me he did not expect us to take him up on his offer and 2 days later I had to pick her up because she didn't fit his life style. We were out of options and I had to bring her to the shelter. I knew she wouldn't do well there, she's not crate trained so she would hate the cages and special needs dogs don't usually get placed. As I was about to do her intake one of my co-workers found a volunteer who knew someone tat could take in a foster. I waited around for over an hour when she and her kids finally showed up. Foster #4: They had special needs dog experience and seemed nice but again a few days later she called me and said Alice tried to attack one of her cats (which I still don't understand because Alice has lived with cats her whole life). She agreed to keep her one more night since it was later and Minion was sleeping so the next day I picked her up while I was at work and brought her back to the shelter. She was so depressed and it was very hard to see her like that, she's such a bubbly dog normally. The next day she caught another break! A boarding facility the shelter works with previously offered space to a dog with a home that couldn't take them right away. My cousin still wanted her so off she went and her updates said she was doing very well there. Then the airline jacked up her plane ticket to over $500 and said because she is dangerous (based solely on her breed) she needed a special metal kennel that would cost almost $1000, non of us could afford that but my cousin quickly decided that she would just drive the 18 hours here and back to pick Alice up. Now we just need a foster for 1 night on September 27 till the 28th when my cousin gets to town. I refuse to believe it's over until she is safely in Iowa.
As I'm sure you can imagine my stress level has been through the roof lately, all this on top of getting rid of things we no longer have room for and funding a place for the things we can't get rid of (like Halloween and Christmas decorations since our apt complex has no storage). Aside from the lack of space, the apartment isn't too bad, it has a 24 hour gym and a pool I'm pretty sure most of the Philadelphia Soul players live in my building, I guess they don't get paid like the pros (no I'm not at all surprised). It's all just an adjustment, neither one of us really likes change (although I can tolerate it better then he can) so it's been interesting to say the least. My body is also still out of whack from Minion causing me to be extra moody. Poor Hubby, I'm pretty sure I take most of it out on him. I just keep trying to tell myself we only have to stay here a couple years until we can save enough to buy a house of our own, things are already looking up, Hubby has a job interview on Friday. Pray it goes well.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Baby Essentials Giveaway!
Tortle is a simple, comfortable beanie that helps prevent and treat early stages flat head syndrome: plagiocephaly & torticollis. It makes the job of repositioning newborns safe and easy. It is recommended that all newborns wear a Tortle for the first few months of life to aid in repositioning; which supports healthy development. Tortle works by gently deflecting your baby’s head when she's sitting or lying on the back of her head, to gently move her head from side to side.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Still no mama...
What was your baby's first word?
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all the Daddys. Any guy can be a Father but it takes a real man (& a special one at that) to be a Dad. Minion is lucky to have one of the best :-) Also Happy Day to the single Mamas pulling double duty, you deserve both days!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Timbutt2oos Review
Once I received the diaper I was in love with the print even more, so much cuter in person. That being said, I was confused as to how to get it on Minion since it has a bunch of buttons instead of Velcro like the diapers I normally use. I prepped and dried the diaper and decided to try putting it together off of Minion first, I thought I had it figured out but somehow having it on him made a difference (all of his squirming didn't help much) and I was lost all over again. The first time I out it on him it was really loose around the legs and I actually didn't keep it on him long, 1. because he needed a bath and 2. because I was afraid it was going to leak. I contacted the mama and she got right back to me explaining a bit how it worked (great customer service) I was going to take it to the sitter's with me because she uses them too but I ended up figuring it out before I got the chance (AKA before I remembered to pack it).
The next time I put it on him, I used one insert and it held up really well, he had it on for about 2 hours with no leaks. I'm not sure it was on the "right" way but it worked and there was no gaps anywhere. It is a bit bulkier then the diapers I normally use but that's not really a big deal to me. I put it to the test last night and used it as an overnight diaper with both inserts instead of disposables like I normally do, up until last night I have not been able to find a cloth combination that Minion doesn't leak though at night. When we got up this morning and Hubby changed him I was in awe, not only were his jammies and outside of the diaper completely dry but it also contained a massive messy poop. I can not tell you how impressed I am. I can't wait to wash, dry and use it again as my overnight diaper, I'd love to be able to get rid of disposables all together.
When I ordered the galaxy, I had also ordered another print which had not come in stock yet. Originally when I was having fitting issues I had asked her to make it into a wet bag for me instead because I didn't think I was going to get it to work out, sadly there were some issues with her source and the print was unavailable. I was offered a refund or to pick another print, I went with the refund just because we were short on cash at the time but now I really with I had ordered another diaper. I figure if I have at least 4 that would be enough for nighttime and maybe I'll get a few more and put them in my daytime rotation. I'm hoping by the end of the summer to never have to buy disposables again! I'm not sure how happy Hubby will be about that but that's my goal. HEHE.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Mama Love Giveaway!
We have put together two separate prize packs for you! One for the pregnant/new mama and one for the cloth diapering mama! There is over $300 in Prizes up for grabs!
This contest is being hosted by the awesome So Sew Mama, be sure to check out her blog and send some love. Thank you.
Mama and Baby Prize
Fluffy Mail Prize
(please note that the diapers are probably more girly.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway * Disclosure: Epic Tales of a First Time Mom and So Sew Mama was not compensated for this post. So Sew Mama received the mentioned products to review, all views are 100% So Sew Mama's. This blog and participating bloggers are not responsible for prize shipment. I am disclosing this due to the FTC guidelines. If you have any questions or wish to have your product featured on So Sew Mama, please contact Desiree.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Party Planning
One of the hardest decisions was figuring out where to have the party. I don't really want to have it at our house because my family is huge so even planning for immediate family (which to me means aunts, uncle and cousins) is a lot. We also don't have any entertainment for the kids and I always get nervous that someone will let the dogs out (our yard is not fenced in), we also can't really afford to rent a place out. We finally decided on a park near the river with a pretty nice size playground. It has covered tables and bathrooms, basically everything we need. We were originally going to bring the grill but are now going to get hoagie trays so no one have to man the grill for the whole party. Of course I'll make potato salad and all too.
A few months ago I had a vanilla gDiaper customized from Paint Spatter Designs by Audrina Leigh Zaczyk and it's been so hard not to put it on him but I've been to afraid it will get messed up. I had a second one made too (which has also not been on the butt yet), Audrina is so talented, her shop is closed now because she just had a baby but I'm hoping she opens back up soon because I need some more of her work. She has a Batman design I'd love to get my hands on.
This is the birthday diaper.
And this is the other one. Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my obsessions.
I have not picked an outfit yet... I suppose I should get on that. I suppose I could make him a shirt as well now that Cricut has iron on fabric.
I'm both excited and sad about his birthday. I don't know where the time has gone, I feel like he was just born but I love watching him learn new things. He's definitely a Mama's boy but he gets a little more independent every day, except of course when he's teething like the last couple of days. In one month my baby boy will no longer be an infant but a toddler. I'm not sure how I feel about that, my baby is growing up.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Mama Love Giveaway Event
Blogger Opp
Lose - Lose situation
It's no secret the we have a lot of animals (2 big dogs and 4 cats), when I announced I that I was expecting many people's first question was "Are you getting rid of any of the animals?" It always made me really mad, of course I wasn't getting rid of any of them, they are family and I made them a promise to care for them for the rest of their lives. Most of them are rescues (except 2 sibling cats I got from a friend) and had a rough start to life, I never thought anything would make me change my mind. I was wrong.
During my pregnancy one of my cats, Freddie Mercury, started acting different and losing fur. No one has fleas, I tried vitamins & different food but nothing helped. After Minion was born, the hair lose got worse so I took him to the vet. He was tested for ringworm and other skin issues but all came back normal, based on that, his acting out and a few other things the vet (who I trust very much) suggested that he was jealous of Minion. I was very upset and didn't know what to do, I contacted the cat behaviorist at my shelter but none of her suggestions help. We discussed re-homing him but neither of us really wanted to and we also didn't know anyone looking for a cat so we were just dealing with it. Then he started hissing at Minion and I became really concerned, again we discussed re-homing him but still couldn't find anyone.
Then, just a few weeks ago, he scratched Minion on the arm. Minion didn't even notice it and it barely bled but that didn't change the fact that it happened. What if next time it's worse or his face or he bites instead. I can't risk that. I knew I had to bring him to my shelter and hope that someone would adopt him. I waited 10 days so that he would not need to be on a quarantine (which would significantly hinder his chances of getting adopted) and brought him in today. It was such a horrible drive to work with him in the passenger seat next to me meowing to be let out of the carrier. I cried during his entire intake and brought him back to his temporary cage myself, turns out I would be cleaning that room today. I was really upset about it at first but ended up being grateful because I could keep an eye on him and do my best to make sure he was comfortable. I asked he vet tech who was checking cats in (giving them their shots and what not) to please do him so that he could be moved to the adoption room ASAP for the big event we are having this weekend. I was petrified he would be out to sleep since he looks funny with the missing fur and can not go to a home with children. I was glad to be working alone today.
Around 1:30pm a member of our life savings department (they work with rescues to get animals out and run the foster program) came and told me he was being sent to one of our rescue partners. I cried again, I was so happy he was being saved but sad that I would never see him again. Going to a rescue means he won't be out to sleep and has a much better chance at being adopted. When the rescue came to pick him and the other cats they were taking up, I was able to pack him up and say my final goodbye (which of course made me cry AGAIN! He looked so sad and tried to cling to me so I just held him for a little while, but eventually the rescue had to leave so I put him in the carrier, told him I loved him again and wished his well. I also told him to behave so he came find an awesome home with no kids and plenty of affection.
It was a horrible day but I know that I made the right choice for him and Minion. Maybe now he won't be so stressed out and will stopped pulling out his fur. I'm going to think about him forever and hope that he's happy and doesn't think we abandoned him. We did everything we could to try and make it work but it just wasn't happening. My house seems quiet without him even with the other animals. I hope this is something I will never have to go through again.
Friday, May 17, 2013
gGathering, Mother's Day and Sickness...Oh My
On Thursday, (the day before my mini vacation) I started vomiting and just basically feeling like crap but I went to work figuring it would only last a day or 2 just like everyone else. Friday, I laid around still feeling lousy. Saturday (the day of the gGathering) I didn't even want to get out of bed and to top it off, Hubby was sick now too so I had to take Minion with me to the store to pick up a few last minute things for the party. He's pretty good in stores it's just faster to go alone. I forced myself to go to the party and I'm glad I did, I had a great time hanging out with other gDiaper using Mamas and there kids at the playground. I do wish I had been feeling more sociable though. I pretty sure everyone else had fun too. Downside, Minion was now not feeling well and cranky. He didn't want to take a nap, something I desperately needed, but Hubby let me lay down for an hour before waking me up with an even crankier baby.
Sunday was Mother's Day. I bet you are all saying "Oh you must have had a wonderful 1st Mother's Day", nope. It kinda sucked actually. Everyone except Hubby wished me a Happy Mother's Day, he finally did a few hours after I got up but only after I asked him if he knew what day it was (he did by the way). He said something about not being able to get me a gift, as if I cared about that... I just wanted him to say it. Apparently, me being upset was blowing it way out of proportion, I still disagree but whatever. He was very nice to me for the rest of the day though and we also got to spend Monday together too.
Speaking of Monday, Hubby and Minion were feeling better but not me. I still was feeling pretty sick...kinda put a HUGE damper on my whole weekend. I went back to work Tuesday not really feeling up to it but I pushed through the day, Wednesday I woke up vomiting again so I called out of work. I took Minion to the sitter anyway so I could make a doctors appointment and maybe get in a nap, I did get a nap but no doctors. I called as soon as they opened (9am) and was told my doctor had nothing available until 3:30pm the next day, I said no so she offered to call something in for me... confused I asked how she was going to do this without a doctor seeing me. She asked for my symptoms so I gave them to her and told her I was a nursing mother, she said I would hear back shortly. At 1:30pm, I finally got a phone call telling me they can't give me anything because I'm nursing and suggested I call my OBGYN (even though I'm not prego) but when I called them they were very confused and said they couldn't do anything for me if I am not prego (which if what I figured). So... I called the doctors office back and asked to speak with my doctor directly, he called back within 2 minutes and told me himself that I can not take anything since I'm nursing but said he wished I would have made an appointment to come in... Seriously. When I told him about my 9a, conversation he was livid and called the head nurse over and asked her why I was not given an appointment, she had no idea and said there were plenty of openings for the day. Of course the office was now closed though so I got screwed. He was really concerned about the fact that I had not been eating and wanted me to go to the ER of I didn't feel better by the end of the night, I didn't go. Thankfully I felt much better Thursday morning and was able to go to work. Today, I'm as good as new.
Well Mama's, I hope your weekend was better then mine.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Organic Boba 3G Carrier Giveaway, BLOGGERS WANTED!
Le Leche League "unofficial" review
Back in December I went to my first and last Le Leche League (LLL) meeting. I thought I was losing my breast milk supply (what a pediatrician told me and I didn't know any better at the time to challenge him) so I went to get some advise, while they did give me some useful tips I vowed never to go back. I felt attacked to be perfectly honest and very judged, when I explained what the doctor and I had talked about they just kept asking my why I was listening to the doctor and demanding to know what made me think I was losing my supply. Every time I tried to explain it was because I couldn't pump enough I was again asked why I was listening to a doctor... It was a terrible experience. At there suggestion I started taking Fenugreek and eating oatmeal everyday and within a week I noticed a significant boost in my pumping, awesome, but I couldn't shake the way they made me feel so I never went back. This is actually the first time I have ever told anyone about this because I did not want to put the group down, I figured it was just me. Fail #1.
I bought a hands free pumping bra sold by LLL a few months back, it was brands new with tags for a good price on ebay and I really wanted one so I went for it. I was so excited when it came, I threw it in the wash right away so I could use it the next day (I hang dry all my bras so it takes a while sometimes). I put it on and got dressed for work, pump bag in hand all set to be able to get some work done while I pumped... It didn't quite happen that way. The middle piece that the pump is supposed to fit through and be held tight against the breast was way to big, not the hole the fabric itself seemed to be cut to big. It wouldn't even stay hooked in place while I was wearing it. Other then that I liked the bra except I noticed later that if I wore anything other then a lose t-shirt (like my work uniform) the bra appeared lumpy. Fail #2
I contact the company via email and while a customer service rep got right back to me it was very difficult to get her to understand what I was talking about, I thought I was explaining it well and I even sent her pictures (not it my boob of course but just to show her what I was talking about). After a couple weeks I got no where, she was rude to say the least. This is our last few emails:
THEM: "I am sorry but I was asking my boss what else it could be because all looks good and we never heard of anyone else with this problem. And the place you purchased the item from did you ask them? What we can do for you is we have a bra called the PUMP BAND you can see it on the website and we could sell it to you $15.00 and n/c shipping if you would like."
ME: "Honestly I don't this it's fair that I would have to buy another product (even if it is at a discount) when I didn't break this one. It's obvious that it was just made wrong, a simple mistake. The fact that you or your boss have never been presented with this issue doesn't make it impossible. Unfortunately I can not return or exchange the item, it's just not an option."
ME: "I guess this conversation is over since I have not gotten a response in over a week. I'm disappointed that your idea of helping is to sell something different, I was not looking for anything for free just help and I'm not even sure you understand the issue I am having with the bra. I'll be sure to avoid your products in the future and I'll be writing about this experience on my blog as well."
Fail #3
The following business day I got a long response from a manager:
"My name is BLANK and I am the Operations Manager at Q-T Intimates and La Leche League International Intimates. As the 4th generation running this organization with my family, I can assure you that we would not have succeeded in this business for over 65 years with the sort of customer service that you received over the past few weeks. I'm extremely sorry and very disappointed in our customer service department and the care you received regarding your issue with our Hands Free Pump Bra. I really cannot apologize enough. Our policy here is that "we’re happy when you’re happy" and I personally want to make sure we can resolve this issue amicably."
This is just a partial but you get the idea. It took me almost 2 weeks to respond, I was mad because I felt that the only reason this got higher up was because I threatened bad reviews on my blog. And that's exactly what I emailed him. I never even acknowledged the statement but offered to replace the bra, I decided to accept and offered to send the one I had purchased back. When I received the bra I decided to try it on before removing the tags or washing it, at first I was pleased, the part that was too big before was perfect and I was about to write if off as simple manufacturing error like I thought the whole time... Until I fastened the outside of the bra closed. This time that part was too big and again I this time I can't wear it under anything because you can see it's lumpy. I know what bra size I am, I've recently been professionally sized and have no issues with any other bra I own so it's not me. Looking at the 2 together, the new one looks bigger but maybe it's just me. Fail #4
I didn't even bother to write back, it's clearly not going to get me anywhere. I know millions of woman around the world have wonderful experiences with LLL and I'm not saying they are wrong or telling you not to go to them for help, the group is just not for me and I will never recommend them for anything. So now I'm stuck with 2 bras I can't wear... Great, because they aren't expensive enough (even though I only paid for 1 and at a somewhat cheaper then retail price).
*Note: I BLANKed the managers name because I don't want to get anyone in trouble, just wanted to share what happened.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
CollageIt Pro Giveaway!!!
- Simply add your photos to your collage; using “Random Layout” to generate layout automatically and customize collage; then export and share your collage.
- Various layouts and diverse templates.
- Easily personalize collage by cropping, adjusting photo number, photo space, page margin, rotation, sparse, and so on. Decorate collage with photo border and shadow.
- Save collage as an image file; set as desktop wallpaper; share through Email; or print it out instantly.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
So Sew Mama and Epic Tales of a First Time Mom are not responsible for sponsor prize fulfillment. I was not compensated for this post.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
CollageIt Pro Giveaway Opp
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Earth Day weekend
Today Minion decided we were starting our day at 7am, good thing we went to bed early last night. I figured we should take advantage of it and stopped by Target to pick up a cute little reusable bag filled with samples and coupons and then I braved my first Just4Kids consignment event, crazy I know. I've heard it can be pretty overwhelming but I figured since today was the last day it might not be so busy. Well, it was pretty busy I can't imagine how Friday and Saturday must have been. I'm glad I went though, I scored an Imaginarium wooden push cube (minus the blocks so I have to try and get some), a Leap Frog drum, a Playskool Swing and Score toy and a cute "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" framed poem all for under $40!!! Seriously, you can't beat that. They had pretty much anything baby/child related you could want including tons of clothes. I can't wait until it opens again in August, I think I'll venture out on Friday or Saturday next time. Probably leave Minion at home with Hubby if I can.
After that we went to the Camden Aquarium with family, Minion loves it there. I think we are going to have to get a fish tank when he gets older. It was very crowded but we still had a good time.
I wish I would have had time to plant some flowers or just work in my gardens but no such luck. Last year I didn't get to them at all so I'm hoping to get out there soon this year, my yard is in desperate need of color. Since we lost the tree in our back yard last year it will be hard to bring Minion out with me because there is no shade, out front should be easier though.
Monday, April 15, 2013
All bad things come to an end
I really was worried for a moment, Hubby was home for 2 weeks which was great for Minion but not so much for the bills. Then, when he finally found a job, we found out our sitter got a promotion of his own and wouldn't be able to watch Minion anymore. It was a scary couple of days, neither of us would even be able to call out if we didn't find someone since we are both in a new position! Luckily the universe had my back and when I posted in some of my Mommy groups on Facebook I received quite a few responses and suggestions. Many of them were for day care centers that we couldn't afford (plus would need a set schedule for which neither of us has right now), most were from Mamas I have never met but only talked to online. I thought we were going to have to go that route (we would meet and check her home out first of course!) but then someone I have met who lives very close to us offered. She seriously saved the day. We are going to her house tomorrow so Hubby can meet her and not feel like a weirdo when he drops off Minion (although that might be funny to witness since Hubby is far from a social butterfly). THANK YOU!!! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can breath again. I think this new set up will work out very well and Minion will get some baby socialization too.
Training week #3 has started for me and I love it, I think my body forgot what physical labor was after 2 years of sitting behind a desk though and it's also pretty confused about the whole day shift thing. I really need to start working out/toning. Yesterday was craziest day, we were so busy and had the strangest calls. It was great. I am looking forward to a set schedule though, being so all over the place is messing with me and it's thrown Minion's sleep patterns off too. I'm sure Hubby being home didn't help that either, nor did the teething. Those little teeth are sharp, thank goodness he has not bit me while nursing yet *knocks on wood*.
The drivers keep asking me how long I'm going to breastfeed for, I guess the fact that I have to pump is kind of a pain. It is a little inconvenient and it's impossible to pump on a schedule but I don't care, I'm going to nurse until Minion is at least a year but maybe longer. As much as I don't want to be solo on the streets it will make pumping easier because I can just park somewhere and cover myself with a blanket and pump, now we have to go back into the building because I'm not doing it with another person in the truck...all but me and one other driver are men. No thanks and I don't think they'd appreciate it either. I know breastfeeding is less common in our country (I still don't know why) but I'm tired of being asked how long I will do it for and then seeing the look on people's face when I say "until one of us doesn't want to anymore". I try to educate them but no one wants to hear it. Oh well. You go home from work and unwind with a drink, I'll nurse my son; we'll all feel better.
Friday, April 5, 2013
New job week #1
I'm still trying to get my barrings but so far I really like it, I feel like I forgot everything I learned when I took these classes 7 years ago though so I'm kind of starting from scratch. I'm not sure how long I will be in training but I could not imagine doing this without a partner at all times...unfortunately it's going to happen but for now I get the comfort of having someone to have my back at all times.
It amazes me that the other drivers know the city so well, Philly is a big place and I can't see myself ever being able to navigate it without my GPS but they do it like it's nothing, some of them even know the zip code of that part of the city just based on the address...CRAZY. I guess I will get it eventually but some parts of the city all look the same and then you have the same street names in more then one area and I just find it confusing. There is also the issue that some of the streets are not even big enough to fit out vehicles down... that is one thing I am not looking forward to when they hand me the keys.
My days have been fairly boring so far, nothing crazy has happened (which is good and bad), it's hard to learn somethings without actually being in the situation but I still have plenty of training time to go. I caught a raccoon the other day but in all fairness it was sick and possibly blind, it didn't even run it just wanted to play with my control stick...not much of a challenge but at least I can say I did it. I'm looking forward to going to the wildlife rehab center at some point... it would be awesome if we had time to look around but I doubt it (making a mental note to find out if they allow visitors). I'm sitting at the job now (it's 2:20am) for my first official over night shift (I have done it before but not as a driver and I never left the building, to night we have left twice already and the shift just started at midnight) and aside from writing this post I am bored out of my mind, although one of the other staff members did just amuse me, our toilet apparently doesn't flush and Aunt Flo made an appearance (it was a nice 19 months without her), he kind of freaked out and said it hurt his feelings. HAHAHA seriously, I thought we were adults. My bad for not double checking a guess, why should I expect the toilet to actually flush the first time around... Silly me. I wish I could get on Facebook here so I could give some much needed attention to my blog page, they block everything here, at least Blogger works or I might be really lost.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
vaginal vs. c-section
When I found out I was pregnant I was so excited at the thought of giving birth (no not the pain just the act) and was really hoping to go natural. Part of it was because after watching too much Discovery Channel I was petrified to have a c-section; part because I just wanted to have that feeling that I did it all by myself (to an extent of course, I did go to the hospital for the birth). After my water breaking, 22 hours of labor, caving into the epidural, dilating to 10 cm and pushing for 3 hours my dream bubble was burst. Minion was just not having any parts of coming out and I ended up with an emergency c-section. He's stubborn just like his Mama and didn't give a crap about the eviction notice my body served him with. Now I have to admit it was not nearly as bad as I expected but it still hurt like nothing else I've ever felt afterwards. I was lucky enough to have Hubby for the first week and the his brother stayed with us for 2 weeks after that and was a huge help as well. All in all Minion and I are just fine (aside from the forever itching yet numb scar I have just below the belt that can't be scratched in public) and I am hoping to be able to have a V-BAC in the future.
With that said, I recently had a conversation with a pregnant Mama I know who is 32 weeks along, she was telling me that they are taking the baby a week early due to her age and such. I asked if they were inducing her and she so no, they were going to schedule a c-section and she was happy about it, she said she gave birth vaginally 10 years ago and does not need to go through it again, she just wants the baby out. Now like I said, no judgement at all, it's her body and she can do as she pleases but it did upset me personally. I would have given anything to deliver my son vaginally, I begged to make surgery a last resort (and had a doctor awesome enough to to wait as long as he possibly could). It still bothers me to this day that I didn't get that moment and Hubby didn't get to cut the cord, I know it wasn't anyone's fault and it could not be helped but I still get choked up about it. Of course I didn't say any of this out loud to the Mama, I kept it all inside so she wouldn't think I was looking down at her for her choice but I noticed that I did end the conversation sooner then I might have if her choice was different.
I guess this just goes right along with "we always want what we can't have". I don't think any woman's choice is wrong, I have my opinions and everyone else has theirs and that's OK. I never thought it would bother me so much to talk to a woman who chose a c-section though... this conversation was days ago and I still can't get it out of my mind. At the end of the day I'm just happy to have a healthy baby boy who I am able to breastfeed and looks at me like no one else in the world exists. Seeing him light up when I get home from work almost make going to work worth it. Sometimes the things I think about and feel strongly about since I became a Mom amaze and surprise me.