Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Party Planning

Minion will be 1 in a month! I can't believe it, where has the time gone? We decided to so "The Notekins" from Baby First TV for the theme since Minion loves music. For a while that show was magic, if he was crying and it came on...he instantly stopped. That doesn't work now of course but he still loves it. The show teaches pitch, harmony, tempo and more all while entertaining with gentle music. I think I have a future musician on my hands and I love it. It's kind of hard party planning when your theme is not common enough to find in any stores but that also means I have to make most of the decorations which will save us a ton of money. The Notekins each stand for a different music note and are each a different color so I'm going to get plates, napkins, plastic wear etc. from the dollar store because they have all different colors that way I can just mix it up to match the theme. Most of the decorations I should be able to make with my Cricut which will take a lot of time (and I don't have much to spare) but I know I will get exactly what I want that way. The invitations were easy. I just Google image searched The Notekins and added the party info to the one I liked best on Photobucket, a friend of mine has a connection at Staples and offered to print them out for me free of charge.

One of the hardest decisions was figuring out where to have the party. I don't really want to have it at our house because my family is huge so even planning for immediate family (which to me means aunts, uncle and cousins) is a lot. We also don't have any entertainment for the kids and I always get nervous that someone will let the dogs out (our yard is not fenced in), we also can't really afford to rent a place out. We finally decided on a park near the river with a pretty nice size playground. It has covered tables and bathrooms, basically everything we need. We were originally going to bring the grill but are now going to get hoagie trays so no one have to man the grill for the whole party. Of course I'll make potato salad and all too.

A few months ago I had a vanilla gDiaper customized from Paint Spatter Designs by Audrina Leigh Zaczyk and it's been so hard not to put it on him but I've been to afraid it will get messed up. I had a second one made too (which has also not been on the butt yet), Audrina is so talented, her shop is closed now because she just had a baby but I'm hoping she opens back up soon because I need some more of her work. She has a Batman design I'd love to get my hands on.

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This is the birthday diaper.

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And this is the other one. Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my obsessions.

I have not picked an outfit yet... I suppose I should get on that. I suppose I could make him a shirt as well now that Cricut has iron on fabric.

I'm both excited and sad about his birthday. I don't know where the time has gone, I feel like he was just born but I love watching him learn new things. He's definitely a Mama's boy but he gets a little more independent every day, except of course when he's teething like the last couple of days. In one month my baby boy will no longer be an infant but a toddler. I'm not sure how I feel about that, my baby is growing up.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mama Love Giveaway Event

Mama Love Giveaway Event
Blogger Opp
June 12 - 24

Hosted By: So Sew Mama

Some of the awesome prizes are sponsored by:

First Prize: For Mama & Baby

Second Prize: Cloth Diapers

Still adding more prizes! If you want your product featured please contact Desiree.

Free Twitter link with announcement post!
Additional links available for purchase.
Co Host spots and Host pages available.

For more info, and to sign up for this event go to this form.

Lose - Lose situation

Today I did something I swore I would never do, I have even been known to judge people for it... I'll think twice next time.

It's no secret the we have a lot of animals (2 big dogs and 4 cats), when I announced I that I was expecting many people's first question was "Are you getting rid of any of the animals?" It always made me really mad, of course I wasn't getting rid of any of them, they are family and I made them a promise to care for them for the rest of their lives. Most of them are rescues (except 2 sibling cats I got from a friend) and had a rough start to life, I never thought anything would make me change my mind. I was wrong.

During my pregnancy one of my cats, Freddie Mercury, started acting different and losing fur. No one has fleas, I tried vitamins & different food but nothing helped. After Minion was born, the hair lose got worse so I took him to the vet. He was tested for ringworm and other skin issues but all came back normal, based on that, his acting out and a few other things the vet (who I trust very much) suggested that he was jealous of Minion. I was very upset and didn't know what to do, I contacted the cat behaviorist at my shelter but none of her suggestions help. We discussed re-homing him but neither of us really wanted to and we also didn't know anyone looking for a cat so we were just dealing with it. Then he started hissing at Minion and I became really concerned, again we discussed re-homing him but still couldn't find anyone.

Then, just a few weeks ago, he scratched Minion on the arm. Minion didn't even notice it and it barely bled but that didn't change the fact that it happened. What if next time it's worse or his face or he bites instead. I can't risk that. I knew I had to bring him to my shelter and hope that someone would adopt him. I waited 10 days so that he would not need to be on a quarantine (which would significantly hinder his chances of getting adopted) and brought him in today. It was such a horrible drive to work with him in the passenger seat next to me meowing to be let out of the carrier. I cried during his entire intake and brought him back to his temporary cage myself, turns out I would be cleaning that room today. I was really upset about it at first but ended up being grateful because I could keep an eye on him and do my best to make sure he was comfortable. I asked he vet tech who was checking cats in (giving them their shots and what not) to please do him so that he could be moved to the adoption room ASAP for the big event we are having this weekend. I was petrified he would be out to sleep since he looks funny with the missing fur and can not go to a home with children. I was glad to be working alone today.

Around 1:30pm a member of our life savings department (they work with rescues to get animals out and run the foster program) came and told me he was being sent to one of our rescue partners. I cried again, I was so happy he was being saved but sad that I would never see him again. Going to a rescue means he won't be out to sleep and has a much better chance at being adopted. When the rescue came to pick him and the other cats they were taking up, I was able to pack him up and say my final goodbye (which of course made me cry AGAIN! He looked so sad and tried to cling to me so I just held him for a little while, but eventually the rescue had to leave so I put him in the carrier, told him I loved him again and wished his well. I also told him to behave so he came find an awesome home with no kids and plenty of affection.

It was a horrible day but I know that I made the right choice for him and Minion. Maybe now he won't be so stressed out and will stopped pulling out his fur. I'm going to think about him forever and hope that he's happy and doesn't think we abandoned him. We did everything we could to try and make it work but it just wasn't happening. My house seems quiet without him even with the other animals. I hope this is something I will never have to go through again.

Friday, May 17, 2013

gGathering, Mother's Day and Sickness...Oh My

I had been looking forward to last weekend for over a month now. I had planned my 2nd gGathering in 6 months, it was my first Mother's Day and I was given a 4 day weekend...what more could a Mama ask for right? Well, apparently that was too much.

On Thursday, (the day before my mini vacation) I started vomiting and just basically feeling like crap but I went to work figuring it would only last a day or 2 just like everyone else. Friday, I laid around still feeling lousy. Saturday (the day of the gGathering) I didn't even want to get out of bed and to top it off, Hubby was sick now too so I had to take Minion with me to the store to pick up a few last minute things for the party. He's pretty good in stores it's just faster to go alone. I forced myself to go to the party and I'm glad I did, I had a great time hanging out with other gDiaper using Mamas and there kids at the playground. I do wish I had been feeling more sociable though. I pretty sure everyone else had fun too. Downside, Minion was now not feeling well and cranky. He didn't want to take a nap, something I desperately needed, but Hubby let me lay down for an hour before waking me up with an even crankier baby.

Sunday was Mother's Day. I bet you are all saying "Oh you must have had a wonderful 1st Mother's Day", nope. It kinda sucked actually. Everyone except Hubby wished me a Happy Mother's Day, he finally did a few hours after I got up but only after I asked him if he knew what day it was (he did by the way). He said something about not being able to get me a gift, as if I cared about that... I just wanted him to say it. Apparently, me being upset was blowing it way out of proportion, I still disagree but whatever. He was very nice to me for the rest of the day though and we also got to spend Monday together too.

Speaking of Monday, Hubby and Minion were feeling better but not me. I still was feeling pretty sick...kinda put a HUGE damper on my whole weekend. I went back to work Tuesday not really feeling up to it but I pushed through the day, Wednesday I woke up vomiting again so I called out of work. I took Minion to the sitter anyway so I could make a doctors appointment and maybe get in a nap, I did get a nap but no doctors. I called as soon as they opened (9am) and was told my doctor had nothing available until 3:30pm the next day, I said no so she offered to call something in for me... confused I asked how she was going to do this without a doctor seeing me. She asked for my symptoms so I gave them to her and told her I was a nursing mother, she said I would hear back shortly. At 1:30pm, I finally got a phone call telling me they can't give me anything because I'm nursing and suggested I call my OBGYN (even though I'm not prego) but when I called them they were very confused and said they couldn't do anything for me if I am not prego (which if what I figured). So... I called the doctors office back and asked to speak with my doctor directly, he called back within 2 minutes and told me himself that I can not take anything since I'm nursing but said he wished I would have made an appointment to come in... Seriously. When I told him about my 9a, conversation he was livid and called the head nurse over and asked her why I was not given an appointment, she had no idea and said there were plenty of openings for the day. Of course the office was now closed though so I got screwed. He was really concerned about the fact that I had not been eating and wanted me to go to the ER of I didn't feel better by the end of the night, I didn't go. Thankfully I felt much better Thursday morning and was able to go to work. Today, I'm as good as new.

Well Mama's, I hope your weekend was better then mine.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Organic Boba 3G Carrier Giveaway, BLOGGERS WANTED!

Bloggers Wanted!
Organic Boba 3G Carrier Giveaway
hosted by: So Sew Mama

May 4 - May 20

Le Leche League "unofficial" review

I say "unofficial" because I didn't write to them asking to review a product and I never had any intention on reviewing for them but I felt like I should share my experience.

Back in December I went to my first and last Le Leche League (LLL) meeting. I thought I was losing my breast milk supply (what a pediatrician told me and I didn't know any better at the time to challenge him) so I went to get some advise, while they did give me some useful tips I vowed never to go back. I felt attacked to be perfectly honest and very judged, when I explained what the doctor and I had talked about they just kept asking my why I was listening to the doctor and demanding to know what made me think I was losing my supply. Every time I tried to explain it was because I couldn't pump enough I was again asked why I was listening to a doctor... It was a terrible experience. At there suggestion I started taking Fenugreek and eating oatmeal everyday and within a week I noticed a significant boost in my pumping, awesome, but I couldn't shake the way they made me feel so I never went back. This is actually the first time I have ever told anyone about this because I did not want to put the group down, I figured it was just me. Fail #1.

I bought a hands free pumping bra sold by LLL a few months back, it was brands new with tags for a good price on ebay and I really wanted one so I went for it. I was so excited when it came, I threw it in the wash right away so I could use it the next day (I hang dry all my bras so it takes a while sometimes). I put it on and got dressed for work, pump bag in hand all set to be able to get some work done while I pumped... It didn't quite happen that way. The middle piece that the pump is supposed to fit through and be held tight against the breast was way to big, not the hole the fabric itself seemed to be cut to big. It wouldn't even stay hooked in place while I was wearing it. Other then that I liked the bra except I noticed later that if I wore anything other then a lose t-shirt (like my work uniform) the bra appeared lumpy. Fail #2

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I contact the company via email and while a customer service rep got right back to me it was very difficult to get her to understand what I was talking about, I thought I was explaining it well and I even sent her pictures (not it my boob of course but just to show her what I was talking about). After a couple weeks I got no where, she was rude to say the least. This is our last few emails:

THEM: "I am sorry but I was asking my boss what else it could be because all looks good and we never heard of anyone else with this problem. And the place you purchased the item from did you ask them? What we can do for you is we have a bra called the PUMP BAND you can see it on the website and we could sell it to you $15.00 and n/c shipping if you would like."

ME: "Honestly I don't this it's fair that I would have to buy another product (even if it is at a discount) when I didn't break this one. It's obvious that it was just made wrong, a simple mistake. The fact that you or your boss have never been presented with this issue doesn't make it impossible. Unfortunately I can not return or exchange the item, it's just not an option."

ME: "I guess this conversation is over since I have not gotten a response in over a week. I'm disappointed that your idea of helping is to sell something different, I was not looking for anything for free just help and I'm not even sure you understand the issue I am having with the bra. I'll be sure to avoid your products in the future and I'll be writing about this experience on my blog as well."
Fail #3

The following business day I got a long response from a manager:
"My name is BLANK and I am the Operations Manager at Q-T Intimates and La Leche League International Intimates. As the 4th generation running this organization with my family, I can assure you that we would not have succeeded in this business for over 65 years with the sort of customer service that you received over the past few weeks. I'm extremely sorry and very disappointed in our customer service department and the care you received regarding your issue with our Hands Free Pump Bra. I really cannot apologize enough. Our policy here is that "we’re happy when you’re happy" and I personally want to make sure we can resolve this issue amicably."

This is just a partial but you get the idea. It took me almost 2 weeks to respond, I was mad because I felt that the only reason this got higher up was because I threatened bad reviews on my blog. And that's exactly what I emailed him. I never even acknowledged the statement but offered to replace the bra, I decided to accept and offered to send the one I had purchased back. When I received the bra I decided to try it on before removing the tags or washing it, at first I was pleased, the part that was too big before was perfect and I was about to write if off as simple manufacturing error like I thought the whole time... Until I fastened the outside of the bra closed. This time that part was too big and again I this time I can't wear it under anything because you can see it's lumpy. I know what bra size I am, I've recently been professionally sized and have no issues with any other bra I own so it's not me. Looking at the 2 together, the new one looks bigger but maybe it's just me. Fail #4

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I didn't even bother to write back, it's clearly not going to get me anywhere. I know millions of woman around the world have wonderful experiences with LLL and I'm not saying they are wrong or telling you not to go to them for help, the group is just not for me and I will never recommend them for anything. So now I'm stuck with 2 bras I can't wear... Great, because they aren't expensive enough (even though I only paid for 1 and at a somewhat cheaper then retail price).

*Note: I BLANKed the managers name because I don't want to get anyone in trouble, just wanted to share what happened.